Uptime Calculator – Web Hosting SLA Uptime and Downtime Calculator (Free) 2023

Free Uptime Calculator (SLA Website Uptime and Downtime Calculator Tool) is a wonderful and easy tool to understand the number of days or hours your website was down. So, Uptime is presumably the most significant single metric you can use to gauge the presentation of your web have. 

It shows the time or rate the administration is up and operational. The partner of that is downtime. It shows the time or rate the administration was inaccessible. Accessibility is equivalent to uptime. It’s frequently estimated by “Nines.” Easily calculate with this free calculator, how they mean downtime for 30 days:

Uptime Calculator

SLA Uptime Calculator


An advertised SLA uptime of % gives the following possible periods of downtime:





website uptime and downtime calculator to check sla

Top Hosting Providers with 99.99%+ Uptime

In case you are not satisfied with your current web hosting due to inconsistent uptime, you can switch your host.  Free Migration and Free Domain Offers available with our Hosting Discount Coupons

Learn to Monitor Your Website's Uptime and Downtime

Pingdom and Uptime Robot are two easy tools to monitor the Uptime and Downtime of your website. Ensure your website is up for atleast 99.99% time as otherwise, your visitors will suffer alot.

If you website will be up for 99.99% at least (ideal figure obviously is 100%), that depicts that at no point, your website was down and was available to your visitors round the year and round the clock.

Below mentioned Video Tutorial will teach you how to configure Pingdom to monitor your website’s performance (Uptime / Downtime Monitoring). It is helpful video for new blogger who just created their new blog

Some Important Points and Tips regarding Uptime

Your website hosting provider always mentions its Uptime Guarantee on its plans, there are a couple of interesting points. 

  • Uptime Guarantee doesn’t means that your site won’t be down. 
  • We urge you to continuously confirm precisely what the host implies when they express the offer. Glance around on their site to discover the subtleties, ask other site proprietors that are facilitated by them on the off chance that they respect the assurance, and if the host honors it, ask how often per year it must be regarded! 
  • Never trust on what other site owner perceive about the Uptime or Downtime of a particular host. Check if they are really monitoring it? 
  • For those hosts that expect you to present your logs of the downtime, inquire as to whether, while contrasting your records and theirs, will they likewise credit you for the additional downtime, you might not have acknowledged, however they found during the examination? 
  • When you have arranged the above mentioned items, check if they all add up as it should be? Which means: If you have asked the host similar inquiries you may have solicited some from the site owners, did their answers matches?